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Low waist shorts

Low-rise shorts for women

The low waist shorts are vintage shorts that are gradually returning to our wardrobes, they start below the navel and maybe longer or shorter. Low-rise shorts are everywhere, but they're not as inexpensive as at Wholesaler-in-line. It is usually worn with a small top and a vest , but it can be worn with all styles of clothing.

At your favorite wholesaler we bring you women's shorts at low prices for your greatest pleasure!

The ideal low-rise shorts

Low waist shorts are available in all colors and materials. The bestsellers are obviously denim shorts and tailored shorts. We also have the cycling shorts which have recently returned to the catwalks because they are comfortable and give a sporty look to the outfit.

The low-rise shorts are really worn for any occasion, whether it's daytime, to go for a walk with a little t-shirt and a pair of sneakers. Or at night to go out for a romantic dinner with a blouse , a blazer and a pair of pumps. Finally you will understand the shorts are the garment that goes with absolutely all your dressing room it is therefore a great ally to create trendy and fashion looks at the forefront of fashion.

Our women's fashion and destocking items are at wholesale prices for both individuals and professionals. At wholesaler you will find inexpensive clothes all year round to please you and to fill your wardrobe.

Low waist shorts
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